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International summer course:

Intuitive music and more.
A weekly cycle: August 26th to September 2nd.
With: Markus Stockhausen, Tara Bouman, Vassilis Rakopoulos Participants concert on Sunday, September 2nd
Ursulines school – Chora Naxos

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Drama therapy seminar: - Commedia Dell’ Arte and the Dramatherapist (1&2/9)

With Anna Seymour, Drama Therapy Professor at Cambridge College. Bazeos Tower – AEON Institute

Friday-Monday 26-29/8/2011 Seminars in Drama Therapy Conducted by Robert Landy, Professor of Drama Therapy at New York University.


In this four-day seminar the participants will create their own personal stories within the framework of a dramathrerapy process, to be enacted as a performance during the seminar. All the participants will work in small teams to develop and present an event.   Following this, we will focus on how the participants are mirrored in the onstage action and how they connect with these stories drawn from their lives. Finally, the participants will try to formulate a therapeutic performance model which can be adapted to various therapeutic, theatrical and educational contexts.

A Certificate of Participation will be awarded

Benaki Museum/ Conservation Department. Course Organization June 26th to July 5th, 2009 at Bazeos Tower - See pdf.

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Summer school of Dramatherapy,

, 28 - 31st of August 2008, at Bazeos Tower.

“Ariadne in Naxos, free from-free to
Seminar Executives: Stelios Krassanakis,  Lampros Giotis, Psychiatrists-Dramatotherapists.

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15-16-17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006

«Οικογενειακές Συστημικές Αναπαραστάσεις του Bert Hellinger» Σεμινάριο με τη Χαριτίνη Παπακυρίλλου.

8-9-10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006

«Γενεαλογικές Αισθήσεις και Δι-Αισθήσεις» Τριήμερο Βιωματικό Σεμινάριο Γενεογράμματος με τη μέθοδο της Δραματοθεραπείας
Υπεύθυνοι: Λίλυ Στυλιανούδη – Ανθρωπολόγος, Ακαδημία Αθηνών Στέλιος Κρασανάκης – Ψυχίατρος, Δραματοθεραπευτής

Στη σύνθεση μνήμης γενεών και αναπαράστασης γεγονότων παρεμβάλλονται οι αισθήσεις, παραμένουν μόνος πραγματικός οδηγός προς και από την προσωπική μας ιστορία. Εικόνες και λέξεις, ήχοι και γεύσεις, ρυθμός και μουσική συνθέτουν την εμπειρία των σεμιναρίων και συμβάλλουν στην απαρτίωση του προσωπικού χάρτη.
Ενός χάρτη που εντάσσεται, διαμορφώνει και διαμορφώνεται από την συλλογική γεωγραφία και ιστορία.
Μαζί, μέσα από μια ευχάριστη δραματοθεραπευτική-δημιουργική διαδικασία, θα διαμορφώσουμε τους προσωπικούς γενεαλογικούς μας χάρτες, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για τις προσωπικές διαδρομές μας.

26 & 27 Αυγούστου 2006

Εργαστήρι για παιδιά, με την Μαρία Σωνιέ. Οργάνωση Τμήμα Εκπαιδευτικών Προγραμμάτων Μουσείου Μπενάκη και ΑΙΩΝ.

May 2005 - See pdf.

Educational material, distributed to the students of the schools of Naxos for their visit to the exhibition “Yannis Moralis: Theatre, Music, Poetry”.

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Theatre seminar on Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors, conducted by the renowned director and actor Vassilis Papavassileiou. Organised by the “Theatro-Ergastirion” group.

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In September of 2002, the Pan-Hellenic Network of Narcotics Prevention Vehicles organised a professional training seminar in the welcoming Bazeos tower. 35 prevention program managers from the entire country participated in a creative and successful process.

June 2001

In the welcoming environment of the Bazeos tower, the well-known professor of New York University and writer Robert Landy, in collaboration with Stelios Krassanakis, gave a successful seminar entitled “Self, Counter Self, Guide Self”. The above activity was part of the broader summer activities of the AEON Cultural Organization.

July 2000

In July of 2000 in the still half-completed setting of the restored Bazeos Tower, an experiential seminar took place with the symbolic title “Ariadne on Naxos”. The AEON Drama Therapy Centre collaborated with the Centre for Psychotherapy through Art, under the supervision of the drama therapist Stelios Krassanakis and the art therapist Nizeta Anagnostopoulou. The prominent British psychotherapist Roger Arguile was invited.

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